Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February and 52 Degrees!!!

It was a beautiful day today so we decided to take our adventures outdoors, to the ZOO!!! Now I'm not sure who enjoys a trip to the zoo more, Cadence or mommy & daddy! Grant and I absolutely love to watch the animals, we literally spend a few minutes at each exhibit. I always have to tell grant something like, "when I worked at the zoo in Orange County we had that animal blah blah"! I'm pretty sure he's probably heard my stories more than he'd like to admit but he never seems to mind while I'm smiling from ear to ear telling them! Working at the zoo was probably the highlight of my animal career and I hope one day I can work at another zoo again (God knows I've applied enough times that hopefully they'll get sick of seeing my resume and finally HIRE me!).
Cadence always seems to enjoy herself at the zoo too, not sure if she enjoys the animals or just loves to be outside (I'm guessing the latter). Regardless, she had a great time and even napped for 30 whole minutes!
Naps in the Land of the Wilson's have been hard to come by since baby girl was 6 weeks old. We've had to come to terms with the fact that our little girl hates naps and on an average day will take two 30 minute naps. Yes, you did read right... Two 30 minute naps!!! Needless to say, mommy doesn't have much alone time to get things done but she has learned to do her best with those few precious minutes.

Pics below- a sleeping hyena (reminded us of Rudy); Cade enjoying walking; Mommy & Cadence; Watching the polar bears have an afternoon snack; proof of how beautiful of a day it was